Dehydration in Dogs – Don’t’ Let Your Dog Suffer in Silence

Dogs are made up of more water than humans are, and the problem of dehydration in dogs  is even more acute than in humans. 

Water is important for dogs, and pet owners should ensure that their dogs stay well hydrated.

 Usually, the symptoms of dehydration in dogs are mostly the same: sunken eyes, dry nose, and vomiting.

What is Dehydration in Dogs

Dogs suffering from dehydration is very common. Dehydration occurs when your furry friend’s body loses more water and electrolytes than it takes in. Every mammal needs water to function properly. Both young and senior dogs suffer from this problem.

Dogs become dehydrated for a myriad of reasons: diarrhea, puking, heatstroke, and, for obvious reasons, lack of hydration.

Thus, water is imperative to prevent dehydration, fend off potential seizures and muscle inhibition, regulate nerve function, prevent kidney failure and maintain the dog’s electrolyte balance. With an ample supply of water, the body temperature of the dog is controlled.

A dog loses water throughout the day. As your dog enjoys vigorous exercise, it loses water. Even the dog’s saliva causes it to naturally lose water. 

happy dog lying on the floor, lazy dog, signs of dehydration in dogs
Post workout lying down

Rule of Thumb – Body Weight and Hydration

A major question that pet owners are confused about is just how much water is enough to prevent severe dehydration?

As dehydration in dogs occurs because of insufficient fluid intake, it is important that a healthy dog drinks proper amounts of water.

How much water a dog should drink depends on the dog’s body weight. Dogs typically require at least one ounce of water for every pound. In case your dog exercises a lot or is in heat, you need to increase the water intake. 

According to this rule, a 25-pound dog requires at least 25 ounces of water daily. This rule applies to all dogs alike. To keep your dog hydrated, keep an eye on the amount of water it is drinking. That way you will be able to maintain a healthy body for your dog.

Signs of Severe Dehydration – Time to Keep Dog Hydration in Check

You shouldn’t wait for your dog to suffer from severe dehydration in order to take action. There are many signs of dehydration in dogs that can prevent the dog from some serious health issues.

Signs of Dehydration

Even if your dog consumes enough water and has a balanced diet, due to some external and even internal factors they may start suffering from dehydration. When such a scenario occurs and you spot such things, you must absolutely go to a veterinarian to see how it can be treated.

Different signs of dehydration in dogs, signs of dog's dehydration, how to cure dehydrated dog, why my dog is thirsty

Skin test

Does your dog’s skin look okay?  You can easily verify that by doing a skin test. One of the symptoms that stems from dehydration is lesser skin elasticity.

If you pull lightly your dog’s skin and it does come back to the original position, it means that your dog is well-hydrated. If you pull lightly, and it takes time to fall back, it means that your dog is suffering from dehydration.

Sunken Eyes

Dog dehydration can be seen in its eyes. If your canine companion is severely dehydrated, the fluid in the eyes starts reducing. That means that its body loses essential fluids.

Thick Saliva

According to primary care veterinarians, a dog’s dehydration can be seen in the dog’s saliva. Well hydrated dogs have thin saliva whereas dehydration in dogs is associated with thick saliva.

Your pet’s gums lose moistness and the saliva comes out very thick. This can lead to even further dehydration and lead to fatal consequences for your dog.

Dry Nose

Dehydrated dogs have continuous or severe bouts of dryness. This can be the result of insufficient fluid intake.

Rehydration Process – Balance the Body’s PH level

The rehydration process starts with providing an ample supply of fluids to the dogs, and by no means is it an easy process. Dogs don’t understand the underlying cause of their dehydration. You can’t explain to a dog that in order to get their bodies functioning properly again, they need to keep hydrated.

⚠️This article does not constitute medical advice and if you think your dog needs immediate treatment, do take it to a primary care veterinarian immediately. If your pet’s condition is mild and it is displaying symptoms of dehydration, you can try these tips and tricks.

Wolf Spring

Most happy pet owners give Wolf Spring to their dogs. This keeps their internal organs working properly and provides enough fluids to keep them hydrated.

Many other symptoms are also tackled in a similar manner. At Wolf Spring we have something for every dog, be it a pup or a full-grown canine. It possesses a large array of naturally occurring minerals and can be used as an electrolyte replacement fluid. Our products are natural and GMO-free.

Increase Water Intake

Water helps regular body temperature. The underlying cause of kidney disease is lack of water. Sometimes, in hot weather, persistent vomiting occurs. The muscle function also suffers.

If your dog spends time outdoors and exercises more, you need to increase its fluid intake. This keeps the internal organs working in perfect condition.

Just by increasing the water intake, the oxygen in the blood flow is regulated. You can see the dog’s gums getting better.

Vet check-up

Getting your dog checked by a specialist veterinarian immediately will save your dog from many complications.

At times, we don’t understand what the cause of our dog’s health is. Persistent vomiting does not always mean that the dog is dehydrated, it can be poisoning and a number of other conditions, but it can cause a dehydration

IV (intravenous) Fluids

Sometimes, the dehydration is so bad that your vet can prescribe IV rehydration. IV fluids ensure a stable oxygen level in the blood flow. IV fluids can only be advised and done by a professional! Immediately go to your vet if you see the signs of severe dehydration in your dog


Even though dehydration in dogs can be a very scary predicament, solutions are readily available. You need to trust your instincts and keep an eye on your dog’s overall health. 

Increase the water intake of your dog, or try adding electrolytes to your dog’s diet. If you monitor the daily water intake of your dog, you can save it from unnecessary hassles caused by dehydration.

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